
Novità, tecnica, materiali e parole sulle splitboard
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 Oggetto del messaggio: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 13/10/2009, 16:07 
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2009, 21:35
Messaggi: 2652
Località: Milano
Jeremy Jones ha "aperto" una sua fabbrica di snowboard. O quantomeno ci mette il nome e la faccia. E speriamo magari anche un po della sua esperienza :bow:

Per ora saranno progettate e costruite da Nidecker.



Presentazione negli USA a fine Gennaio (SIA, Denver, 28-31 Gennaio 2010) e ai primi di Febbraio in Europa (ISPO, Monaco, 7-10 Febbraio 2010) e sul mercato nell'inverno 2010-2011.

Scommettiamo che in catalogo ci sarà anche una split?

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 14/10/2009, 9:00 
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Iscritto il: 07/05/2009, 12:49
Messaggi: 2008
Località: Dolomiti (ogni tanto anche altri bei posti con belle montagne alte piene di powder)
spero ci sia
ma magari costerà 8.000 $ :eek:

fuggiamo dal grigio e tuffiamoci nel bianco

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 22/11/2009, 22:52 
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2009, 21:35
Messaggi: 2652
Località: Milano
C'è :mrgreen:

Avranno 4 tavole per la prima stagione, orientate verso all-mountain e powder, di cui una split.

Prototipi già in produzione.

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 23/11/2009, 12:44 
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Iscritto il: 01/11/2009, 17:27
Messaggi: 948
Località: FVG
pietro ha scritto:
C'è :mrgreen:

Avranno 4 tavole per la prima stagione, orientate verso all-mountain e powder, di cui una split.

Prototipi già in produzione.

dove hai trovato la news?

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 01/12/2009, 16:35 
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2009, 21:35
Messaggi: 2652
Località: Milano
In giro :mrgreen:

Qui c'è la conferma "ufficiale" in una sua intervista fatta a dottobre da Snowboarder Guide:

SBG: Next, the hot topic: Jones Snowboards. You were with Rossignol for a long time, is there more to the story in that split that you can’t talk about or aren’t talking about, or were you just ready to do your own thing?
Jeremy: I have had a growing desire to do my own thing, it had been building for the last year or two. Rossignol has had some tough times with ownership changes in the last couple of years, and the combination of issues really inspired my decision.
SBG: Did you already know that you wanted to work with Nidecker, or did you go through a selection process?
Jeremy: I talked with a few others, but Nidecker gave me the confidence to start my own company. With all the situations I was considering it was clear to me that working with Nidecker would result in the best boards.
SBG: What will differentiate Jones Snowboards from everything else on the market? What’s your selling point?
Jeremy: Jones Snowboards is 100% focused on freeride boards. I feel like there’s a lot of room for new design coming out, and we’re very focused on the freeride market. The whole company is set up towards freeriding, instead of most of these other companies that have a single board in their line and it’s a little bit of an afterthought.
SBG: How will you be working your environmental principles into the company?
Jeremy: For starters, Nidecker is doing some pretty cool stuff with their factory; they’re pretty advanced compared to what some other companies are doing. It all starts with the production and goes to the product. In year one, all of our boards will be at the top-end of the environmentally friendly scale. I can’t say we’ll have the single most environmentally friendly board available, but as a whole, if you compared our board line to another company’s board line, our line will be one of the most environmentally friendly. And that’s just the baseline to start with. It was important to me with that Nidecker wasn’t done moving forward on this front, and they’re not; we hope to continue progressing in that area. They’re will also be a big connection to POW, with a percentage of sales going to support them. We’ll be working to follow through on all facets of the company.
SBG: Often, new board brands are just the same boards the manufacturer is already pressing, but with different graphics. Are we going to be looking at re-packaged Megalight, or are you doing your own board design.
Jeremy: I will be doing totally different board designs, start from finish, with new presses.
SBG: What do you want to be putting out in your boards that isn’t on the market right now.
Jeremy: I’ve been really involved with my Rossignol snowboard design in the last 10 years and taking steps forward. The board I’m designing now is the next phase in this evolution that I’ve been working on. One thing that’s frustrating with snowboards, all snowboards, is that it’s really hard for us to develop new, un-proven designs because the cost of molds is so expensive. So for example, with Rossignol if I make a new mold, I can fine tune that, but I’m basically stuck with that mold for the next 3-5 years. I’m pretty excited to make a step that I would have normally had to wait another 3-5 years to take with the evolution of my freeride board. We’re still in the testing phases for the powder board, but it will definitely be very unique to the market. We’re doing a splitboard; there’s not a lot of options out there in splitboards, so we’ll be bringing in fresh shapes and stuff into those boards. Then we’re doing a freestyle freeride board; we’re in this testing process and I’m all over the map with different profiles. Everything is open and on the table, and it’s great because where that testing process ends up, I don’t know yet.
SBG: Are you doing much with rapid-prototyping? Is that technology there yet for being able to test snowboards shapes?
Jeremy: Not as rapid as say the surf industry. Certain companies can do stuff faster; Nidecker is willing to do that. It just takes more time and man-power, so if a company is more strapped on time, they can’t go down that road, but Nidecker is really excited and is putting in the energy to develop next level stuff.
SBG: So going forward with Jones, do you think you’ll have less than that 3-5 year period to continue bringing out new shapes?
Jeremy: I do, and just in this prototype phase for example, each of these models, the difference between model one and model five is really drastic, and we’ll get into the fine-tuning sidecuts and flexes along the way. In the past you’d get five boards made and they’d have this teeny little change; you’d spend half the time just trying to figure out what the difference was between to boards.
SBG: Will you have your full line at SIA in January?
Jeremy: Four model line in January is our goal.
SBG: When you get knocked down, what motivates you to get up and try again?
Jeremy: I’d say the motivation for me is in snowboarding. I feel like I’ve been given an incredible opportunity, I know a ton of people would love this opportunity, and I think it’s a disservice to not give everything I have to it.

Non chiedetemi di tradurvela tutta :meditate:

In sostanza in mezzo a tante parole e tanto marketing dice che per gennaio dovrebbero avere pronte le prime 4 tavole prototipo da presentare ad una fiera statunitense. L'azienda sarà concentrata al 100% sul settore freeride, con una tavola da neve fresca, una da freestyle freeride e una splitboard. La quarta non la nomina.
Poi dice un po di cose tecniche su stampi, presse e prototipazione rapida ma non particolarmente rilevanti. Almeno secondo me.

Intervista completa qui:
Parte 1 e Parte 2

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 02/12/2009, 20:58 
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Iscritto il: 01/04/2009, 18:32
Messaggi: 437
Località: Torino ne
bella intervista l'ho letta sul sito e ha decisamente avuto l'effetto di aumentare la curiosità per le Jones... vediamo che cosa proporranno soprattutto in fatto di split e vedere come reagisce il mercato sotto questa spinta ahahahaha pensierino tipo sole24 ore

"Libertà l'ho vista dormire nei campi coltivati a cielo e denaro,a cielo ed amore,protetta da un filo spinato"

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 29/12/2009, 19:09 
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Iscritto il: 29/12/2009, 11:21
Messaggi: 323
Località: south garda lake
bene attendiamo di vederlo e provarlo da qualche parte!

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 22/01/2010, 20:45 
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Iscritto il: 01/11/2009, 17:27
Messaggi: 948
Località: FVG
qualche anticipazione


Flagship: $499 & Mountain Twin: $449

Jeremy Jones, Owner/Rider/Chief Board Shaper and Tester/Brand Manager:

What are the biggest forces shaping the changes and developments you’ve made to your boards?
We will bring four models to the market in our first year. A directional freeride board, a powder specific snowboard, a freestyle/freeride board and a split board.

What’s happening with camber, rocker, flex and shape in general?

It is an exciting time in snowboard design. All of our boards will have some level of camber as well as rocker. Most of our boards will have Magne-Traction as well. Magne-Traction helps the rockered shapes hold a good edge and get some snap out of the turns that may be lost by taking out camber. The key is hitting the right balance because there are huge benefits to both camber and rocker. We are taking the best of both cambers along with innovative shapes and profiles that perform in all snow types.

Any new materials or construction technologies?

Our goal is to do whatever we can environmentally without compromising performance and durability. FCS wood cores, recycled bases, linseed fiber instead of glass, and no plastic in the top sheets will be our base line. We will continue to explore new materials as they come available.
Anyone who purchases a Jones Snowboards will receive a membership to POW http://www.protectourwinters.org and we will also donate 1% of all sales to POW to help offset our manufacturing footprint.

What themes are you seeing for graphics?
Clean graphics with either wood topsheets or a very thin topsheet that you will be able to see the grains of the wood through much of the graphic.

What market segment are you focusing on? How and why?
Freeriding is one of the few areas in snowboarding that has seen consistent growth over the past few years. I know it is a small market and I am realistic about our numbers and have set the business up accordingly.

The last few years I have had a growing desire to put more focus toward the freerider. There are hundreds of park boards out there but a limited number of good freeride boards and I am seeing more and more people stepping away from the park and starting to explore more of the mountain. This is super important for the growth of snowboarding. We are losing a lot of older riders because all they know about is the park and they are getting sick of getting hurt so they are heading to the beach. With this company and my new movie “Deeper” I hope to inspire people to keep evolving their riding.

We will have a strong focus toward freeride boards. Unlike most companies where freeriding is an afterthought, for us it is the primary focus. This focus will hopefully lead to innovative products for people that like to ride the whole mountain – steeps, jumps, etc. and keep snowboarding.

Ultima modifica di pietro il 25/01/2010, 10:06, modificato 1 volta in totale.
Aggiunto prezzo

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Jones Snowboards
MessaggioInviato: 25/01/2010, 10:06 
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2009, 21:35
Messaggi: 2652
Località: Milano
Dovrebbero presentarle a giorni a Denver (28-31 gennaio).

Nel copia/incolla è sparito il prezzo, sotto le due tavole in figura c'è scritto: Flagship: $499 & Mountain Twin: $449

Con un cambio onesto verrebbero circa 500 e 450 €

 Oggetto del messaggio: Eccole
MessaggioInviato: 31/01/2010, 23:57 
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2009, 21:35
Messaggi: 2652
Località: Milano
Eccole: http://www.jonessnowboards.com/boards.aspx

La split in 158 e 161.... :eek: molto vicine tra loro.

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